Euro Rating Agency
The previous Austrian chancellor, Dr. Schüssel, took the initiative to establish an independent European Rating Agency several years before the US financial crisis was taking place, which was leading us into a debt crisis of European nations (e.g. Greek).
Europe was paying enormous sums of money for accepting US financial derivates products, which was underlined by CDS (Credit Default Swaps) of market leader AIG. On that basis, a better ranking was granted and European banks (especially Deutshe Bank) were buying blind certificates of a surreal property bubble.
Twelve years after Lehman Brothers, a European Rating Agency was still not established. Furthermore, Europe is facing the greatest crisis in economic and social terms with the Covid-19 pandemic. The policy of the ECB is bringing us all together to a hyperinflation like 1923 in Germany and Austria, or 1946 in Hungary. But this historical singular experience of some nations will be soon a common shared understanding of all 18 countries with the Euro inside the EU-27 member states.
Covid-19 as a health crisis is changing the world economy (i.e. the US as the strongest MacroEconomic nation will be replaced by China; Europe must change its policy in the supply chain of pharmacy and medicine; the Euro might crash due to the existing ECB policy of „Money-Printing“) and Europe will have a total system change as well.
The weakness was clearly pointed out in 2020 via BREXIT and by national borders notwithstanding the Schengen treaty.
The difference and disharmony between Europe and the US were never greater than now, and Europe must create their own policy and learn from the failures of the past!
A team of 15 specialists, scientists, decision-makers from the US to R.F. and from Belgium to South-Africa were writing, under the patronage of EUREKA, a book about all these challenges in 2020:
„New Economy 3.0 – Sustainability Macroeconomics with Green Rendite“. And one important part of the book is dedicated to the establishment of:
Given all of those facts and more, Eureka-Brussels has decided to assemble a team of highly skilled specialists from Israel to developed the needed special algorithm and relevant interfaces. The ranking will be clear and simple and much better than the US-based Standard&Poor, Moody‘s and Fitch, because the analyses and data research is done inside Europe by Europeans and therefore much more closer to the market realities. ERA will act as a syndicate and will be owned by the syndicate members. A total of 930 members were chosen and your company has been selected to be part of this new reality, and therefore the cost structure will be also much more favorable than now.
The ranking criteria will be similar to the „Big Three“, but focused on the number „0“. In the point of view of a risk avers policy of the capital and finance markets nothing can be better than zero risks.
Therefore ERA Rating of „000“ is equivalent to the triple A ranking „AAA“.

African Rating Agency
EUREKA is building up a legal entity as ARA Syndicate. All 55 countries of the African Union are invited to participate. In each country the 30 leading companies can have a membership to ARA Syndicate after following a two-stage process: – pre-entry as a due diligence stage – subscription stage. It is obviously that the US monopoly of the „Big Three“ are finally fulfilling the Washington Policy. Standard & Poor as the market leader nowadays is maintaining only 27 offices worldwide. In Europe S&P have 9 offices for 27 EU countries plus Swizzerland, Norway and Great Britain. It is only showing the centralization and point of view through an US angle. ARA will have in each country a „Regional Analytic Team“ (RAT), where the staff will be trained by our own „ARA Academy“. The „countrywide RAT’s are working under the guidance of the „Leading Analytic Team“ (LAT), which is connected and operating via the HW-based „IT-Interface Team“ (IFT) and SW-based „IT-Algorithm Team“ (ART), which was developing the final source code for rankings.

Turnaround Management
ARGE Beken, Cobb & Platzer & Co
Our Latest Thinking
It is a common misunderstanding, that after the Pandemic 2020-21 the crisis on the level of „Great Depression“ will reach its end, because the impact of the existing crisis will be dramatic in macroeconomic terms and for our social welfare and stability.
A system change its becoming more and more realistic as well as the impact of AI, robotization and digitalization in general, which were before Covid-19 from importance, are now influencing a weak economy much more stronger.
Our KnowHow is coming from the Schools of McKinsey and Booz, Allen & Hamilton with one additional relevant cooperation in the past together with „Steinbeis-Stiftung“.
More than 70 projects in 15 countries in 9 different market segments we have successfully accomplished e.g. at HQ of Volkswagen we were able to increase the efficiency with more than 14 %, or for Daimler AG we were successfully launching an innovation portfolio.
Core Competence
Together with our leading team of specialists, entrepreneurs and well established business leaders we can lead and guide your company through the upcoming economic crisis. After a Top-Down Analysis we will prepare a new strategic concept with all relevant operative implementations as a roadmap through this challenging times.
We can accompany successfully in M+A activities, Greenfield Investments, startup activities and can provide new market entries for you.
With our London Office, lead by Nicholas Cobb, we can support European Companies to handle the BREXIT impact, and with our office at Szidonia Castle inside Europe we can assist British companies for their new strategy inside EU.

Scientific Approach
(New Economy 3.0 – Sustainability Macroeconomics with Green Rendit)
Our Motivation honoring our past and working for the future – with our excellent network worldwide for our clients and partners;
And especially to challenge for you the covid-19 fundamental crisis in 2020
Therefore we have written with the scientific paper with our team of experts, “New Economy 3.0”
As sustainability MacroEconomics with Green Rendite
Therefore we will have our Focus in 2021 on Turn Around Management and launching our Rating Agency Projects ERA and ARA.

Welcome to the launch of the book – New Economy 3.0 Sustainable Macroeconomics with Green Rendit.
“Best book since Limits of Growth was commissioned by the Club of Rome and published 1972.” (A book printed in 30 million copies in 30 languages.)
New Economy 3.0 is written by 20 key-players from around the world.
The book is written under the patronage of Eureka (www.eureka-hq.com) and their Euro Rating Agency.
Meet some of the distinguished authors at the upcoming webinar on May 17th 2021.
“Printing of money is not enough”
Introduction by, Doctor HPeter Platzer Hon.Prof (P.I.C.A) moderated by Vice President of TNOC Gustaf-Wilhelm Hellstedt.
Keynote speakers 8 minutes each. Ending with questions for the panel.
President Senator Mast.Eng. Josef Riegler, Vice-Chancellor and previous Head of Austrian Public Party
Doctor HPeter Platzer Hon.Prof (P.I.C.A)
Lord M.H Rothschild, President Eureka Israel
Msc BA, Vladimir Efimov, President Eureka Russia
Dr. Werner Strahalm, President Eureka
Guy Van der Beken, Managing Vice President of Eureka HQ-Brussels
Rector ret. Christian Wabl, Founder of Green Party
Ms. Lucy Liu Qian, President Eureka Africa

TEPone – Technology Fund
We are working and cooperating with private Inventors, Technology Asscociations and different Universities world wide. At the moment we have our focus on our cooperation with Tomsk State University, Samara Aviation University and University of Putra, Malaysia.

Our partners for proprietary technology
For our technology fund TEPone we have the privilege to work with Technopol Moscow, represented by CEO Vadim Gussev, as a leading „Inventor Association“ and subsidiary of the worldwide largest law firm for proprietary technology and trademarks “Gorodissky & Partners“ as our main partner. Together we have an office in the center of Moscow.
Our Expertise in Investment Banking:
A worldwide team of specialists are supporting our ambitious goals for our inventors and lead us finally in the position via our „8 steps model“ to bring proprietary technology to the market place.
Clear landmarks are showing our inventors the success on each step of market penetration.
This Know How was several times awarded by leading Associations, Academies and Universities.
Our focus for new technologies are ongoing in the field of:
– Medicine Technique and BT;
– Digitalization and IT;
– Aviation and Automotiv;
– Environmental Technique.
Our eight steps model: …to bring an invention successfully to the market place!
Analysis & Information Gathering / Due Diligence for the “Short Profile”
Project Valuation (Strategy Paper, Operative Implementation Manual, Business Plan with prognostical Balance Sheets and P&L Statements)
step 3
Information Memorandum with BP
Incorporation of a Legal Entity in Europe
Target Group Analysis for financial or strategic Co-Investors
step 5
Project description and application for HORIZON 2027
step 6
Contact Phase and Lobbying
step 7
Negotiation phase and might be add. calibration of application.
step 8
Structuring of the final Deal
Investments and Implementation of Operative Manual (roadmap to production)
This important 8 steps are always underlined with an exact timetable with clear landmarks.

MECA Institute
The MECA Institute is an Association in Austria and acting as a leading Think Tank for an international investor group.
With special conditions in the preferred form of a PPP, we are developing right now a Portfolio, which is covering selected countries in Europe and Asia.
This initiative is a reaction on the last Summit in Hanoi of the 37th assembling of ASEA on 15 November 2020 and its new cooperation area of RECP with a total of 17 Trillion USD GNP and 3,6 Billion populations.
Under the umbrella of EUREKA “MECA” we began building up a correspondent network in all relevant countries.
In three months, we were able to achieve commitments in each relevant country and we are working with our Correspondents exclusively on several project proposals to source out the best of five for our MECA portfolio.
Info: List of MECA Countries and Correspondents Agreements are available via Email.

Szidonia Business Club
The basis for all this activities is the so call premium consulter „Szidonia Business Club“ with its relevant, selected members.
Investment Banking
With our Know-How in the field of Investment Banking, which was established in the mid of 90s last century as „Rashba, Platzer & Sons – Innovative Investment Banking LLC“ we were starting our Technology Fund – TEPone. Our awarded business model with 8 steps to success is bringing each Innovation with „state of the art“ entitlement to the right and chosen market place.
(Photo – Szidonia Castle)

ARGE Steel & Infra
ARGE Steel & Infra is a legal entity under the control of EUREKA. Guy Van der Beken, Vladimir Efimov, Prof.Platzer, Dr.Strahalm and Lucy Liu Qian are active members of the Executive Board for building up an infra structure project with 36 bridges on the Philippines.
Here are the relevant data’s from the Master Plan over the period of 60 months:
The idea of the project implementation is based on an out-sourcing project, which is lead by
ARGE Steel & Infra:
• Steel producer and manufacturer in China or/and Russia
• Logistic by our own Logistic Company in China
• Assembling with regional partner in the Philippines on the basis of the “Blue-Book” regulations.
Totally 3090 m of Steel (i.e. bridges parts) with a tonnage of 10 tons per meter => 30,900 t
will be delivered in 3 consignments.
1st step
After 10 months of the steel parts production around 995 m of the steel parts has to be transported to South Harbour Manila. 995M are equivalent to 9,950 tons.
2nd step
After 17 months around 1.155 m ot the steel production has to be delivered again to South port Manila.
1,155 m are equivalent to 11,550 tons.
3rd step
After 23 months around 940 m has to be delivered; which is covering 9,400 tons.
The duration of the sea and land transport cannot be longer than 2 months for each consignment.
The Land Transports are covering the logistics from South Port Manila to 35 different depots inside Philippines, which are located in 24 regions.
Relevant types of the bridges:

This out-sourcing project is also creating a synergy to our TEPone Fund regarding the invention of our Norwegian inventor and his proprietary technology:
EPOX.OPOL26 is totally fulfilling the requirements of the “BlueBook” audit regarding protection of the material with an unique Coating solution.

Via our Moscow Office we are enlarging our activities from startups based on our TEPone Fund now to stock activities and commodities tradings. This project is under the leading rule of our EUREKA President in Moscow, Mr. Vladimir Efimor MSc BA. Together with Mr. Vladimir Alexandrov MSc and his unique expertise we will take every advantages, which we can catch from the Russian stock market (RTS Dollar index) and its great growth potential. Our key factors of success besides the knowhow and market inside view of Vladimir Alexandrov is his long time experience with Russian Companies e.g. Parus Capital, IG Region, Alfa Bank as well as his scientific approach i.e. his master thesis “Structured Crisis in Economy”, which has after the Pandemic his importancy. The aim of the fund is orientated to handle 100 Mio USD and to achieve 60 % ROI p.a. “The pandemic is over – the crisis is starding as a game changer….!” With us you can be finally part of the winning side!